Days 1- 7 First Week Review

Looking back on my first week I am pretty proud of myself.  I stuck to the meal plan even though some days were more difficult than others.  Of course working certain shifts makes it harder to stick to the plan, but I did it.  I find late evening I’m tired and bored and just want to sleep or eat.  When I’m at home it’s easy, I just sleep.  However at work it’s not the same, sleep isn’t really an option, so ensuring that I have enough food left to get me through is important.  I’m definitely not hungry by the end of the day, it’s amazing how eating the right foods can fill you up so much more than eating junk.  I love that it’s an attainable program for anyone.  The yellow replacement options, while I used them only for drinks, allow for you to have a special treat without feeling guilty, it’s allowed in the plan.  I also love that even on the lowest calorie plan I still get four red containers (protein) which is vital for gaining muscles and recovering from the exercise done.  So far, it’s great.

The exercise DVDs are really good too.  They rotate through all the body parts so there are no sequential days where the same body part is the focus.  It’s possible to do any exercise for 60 second, you’d be amazed at how strong your body really is.  There are optional modifications and you can choose the weights that you use.  I was amazed at how good I felt after only 30 mins.  I was used to hour-long classes at the gym where I’d feel great afterwards, but I feel the same after half the time.  When there’s no real break between exercises (20 seconds usually) and most of the exercises use multiple body parts you are able to get a great workout in way less time.  I’m excited to see how the next two weeks turn out, I’ll be using heavier weights and pushing myself harder.  My body is stronger than my mind.

mind over matter

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