Monthly Archives: April 2015

Day 18

prep meal 1Day 1 of the 3 Day Quick Fix.  Well, it started out great!  I started getting prepared for it yesterday, so I figured I’d just be off and running today.  Well, that’s kind of how it turned out.  Breakfast, or Meal 1, was easy (as pictured).  In fact, I made oatmeal for the girls for breakfast today too, though I made them flavored oatmeal.  The eggs were just too much though.  A serving of egg whites is supposed to be 8.  These small cartons have 7 in them, and I’ve got to tell you, that was way too much.  I added a Ms Dash Garlic and Herb mix and it tasted really good, but there’s no way I could finish it.  A yellow container of oatmeal AND 8 egg whites?  I don’t think so.  The coconut oil was different too.  This could be added to either the oatmeal or eggs, though it’s supposed to be used as a drink in this case.  I’ll be honest I was a bit apprehensive of drinking coconut oil.  But it’s just three days.  I’ve done lots of research on coconut oil and I know of the science behind it, it’s just kind of hard to wrap my head around it though.  Tastes different, I drank it in between bites of my oatmeal so it worked as flavour for that.

Meal 2 was good too.  Instead of grilled chicken I ate a serving of the balsamic chicken I made in the crock-pot yesterday .  Not bad, not the best I’ve ever had either.  I would have liked some basil and mozza to go with it, but I don’t have any fresh basil and no blue container is allowed today.  I do have to remember to get to a store and buy some new herb plants, mine did not survive the winter.  Oh well, should be able to get them soon.  I really enjoyed the yams though, it’s not something I ever think to make.  I did when CJ was little because I made her baby food, but not since then.  Chris like them as fries, and I don’t mind them that way as long as there’s dip to go along with them.  But steamed like I did today was really good.

Meal 3 is where my day fell apart.  I tried, so hard.  I cooked the fish and when I went to plate it I just couldn’t do it.  Even with the lemon and herbs I still kept gagging just smelling it.  I couldn’t make myself eat it.  I gave some to CJ and she said it was good, so I guess either she’ll have it or Chris will have it.  The two servings of fish are just NOT going to happen for me.  Not to mention, eating every two hours is hard.  The little containers look small when you first get them, but there’s a lot of food hiding in there.  3/4 cup of chicken, fish or ground turkey is a lot especially every two hours.  Then add-on a cup of steamed veggies with it and I couldn’t do it.  So here comes the other bump in the road for today, when the fish didn’t work I was really happy that I had my second type of chicken in the fridge, the lemon pepper chicken that I barbequed…  However, it seems to have disappeared from my fridge.  I’m pretty sure that Chris thought it sounded good for his lunch today too.  Oh well.  At least I had lots of balsamic chicken, but that many times in a day is not the most interesting thing in the world.  For tomorrow I’m going to sub the fish meals for pork.  I’ve taken a roast out of the freezer and I’ll stick it in the crock-pot in the morning and go from there.

There’s no shakeology for these three days, which is kind of a shock considering how good and filling these are, but oh well.  Considering this is the plan that Autumn uses to prep for her bikini competitions and photo shoots and I don’t mind trusting it for a few days.  After all, I’ve got some after pictures to be taken in just a few days!!!  I definitely understand why it says that you can only do this plan for 3 days max during the entire 21 days, I also understand why you’d do it last.  To do it at the beginning when you’re just trying to get used to eating better wouldn’t work out too well.  It would be too hard to be so strict and near impossible to follow.  But now, after seeing the results over the last 2.5 weeks I’m up for it no problem!!

I did the Pilates Fix today.  I gotta say, CJ certainly thought it was funny to lay on my back when I was doing the forearm plank hold.  Also, she thought I made a nice table for her toys even during the plank where body parts were still moving.  She didn’t think my leg needed to get so close to her, but I was kind of in the middle of something.  Try explaining that to a four year old, they really don’t care.  I was going to also do the Cardio Fix, I even started the warm up, but then CJ decided she wanted to go outside.  It’s way too nice of a day to spend it all inside today, so outside we went.


Day 17

Today I decided to try out some new recipes.  I made balsamic chicken in the crock pot for supper, I’ll let you know how that goes.  I also tried playing around with flavours that I like with chocolate.  I love mint and chocolate, so I decided to try my shake today with those flavours.  I gotta say, it certainly felt like I was having a treat, not a protein.  I wish I had tried out more shakeology recipes earlier, but that’s ok, I actually like the chocolate one once you get over the fact that it doesn’t taste like a protein shake, it tastes like dark chocolate with veggie greens.  I’m still going to try a different flavour next though.  Tropical Strawberry Vegan!  Think of all the fruity possibilities!!  Okay, so I did make the chicken, but it wasn’t ready in time for supper and CJ wanted tacos, so I’ll have it tomorrow.  Tomorrow starts my 3 day quick fix, so that works well since I get two servings of chicken each day for the next three and I still have some from last night that I bar-b-qued.

Meal 1

greek yogurt (1 red)

Meal 2

pasta (1 yellow)
veggies (1 green)
EVOO (1 tsp)

Meal 3

Mint Chocolate Shake (1 purple+ 1 red)

Meal 4

ground beef (1 red)
veggies (1 green)
tortilla (1 yellow)
cheese (1 blue)

Meal 5

sunflower seeds (1 orange)
greek yogurt (1 red)
strawberries (1 purple)

Today I was surprised at how much I could feel my triceps.  I know I upped the weight yesterday, but I still wasn’t expecting it.  It’s a good feeling though, I didn’t go overboard or anything like that.  I did the Lower Body Fix today, and what a great workout that is.  I didn’t double it up, I was still tired from my last night shift.  But I have tomorrow off, so I’ll make sure I double up and do the quick fix meal plan.  Gotta be honest, I can’t believe it’s the end of day 17 already.  I’ve ordered my next kit, so I’m just waiting for it to get here!!  I can’t wait to see what I can accomplish when I put my mind to that one the way I have this one.


Mint Chocolate Shake

Mint Chocolate Shake
Fix Portion: counts as 1 red and 1 purple
  • 1 scoop chocolate Shakeology
  • 1 1/2 cups water
  • 1/2 banana, frozen if possible
  • 1/4 tsp peppermint extract
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • ice

Mix well in blender.  Add ice to get the texture you prefer, you will need more ice if your banana was not frozen.  Enjoy!!


Day 16

I’m feeling strong today.  For some reason I fit into my clothes better today than I did even yesterday.  Guess that’s what happens when you eat as little as you did the day before, but remember that only happened because I spent most of the day sleeping.  That’s not what a healthy day should resemble, there’s no way you’d have the energy to get up and walk around, much less exercise.  That being said, I worked last night again and today I’m doing much better for meals.  It’s easier when I have something before I go to sleep, but it just can’t be something too big or else I can’t sleep well.

Meal 1

protein shake (1 red)

Meal 2

shakeology (1 red)

Meal 3

banana (2 purple)
coffee with skim milk (1 yellow replacement)

Meal 4

eggs (1 red)
veggies (1 green)
cheese (1 blue)
tortilla (1 yellow)

Meal 5

olives (1 orange)
chicken (1 red)
veggies (2 green)

Today was the Upper Fix and I also did the 10 min Ab Fix.  I had intended on following the plan and doing the Cardio Fix, but I just didn’t have a full 30 mins to get a workout in, so I was happy to have the 10 min option.  I feel great, strong I still can’t believe this has only been 16 days so far.  I can’t wait to help others through the same, I’d love to share this feeling with anyone that’s willing to work for it.  My husband was showing me today the fact that his pants are too loose on him, and his belt is as tight as it can go.  That’s great for him!!  That’s only by eating better and doing work around the house, I haven’t been able to convince him to try out the DVDs but I know I will be able to sometime when I’m actually home.  Eating clean, or at least cleaner can make a world of difference.  Leave me a comment or send me an e-mail if you’re ready to see how great this is for yourself.  I’ll be posting my before and after pictures next Saturday, on Day 21!


Day 15

The start of week three!!  I’m down a total of 6.5 lbs since I started on Day 1!!!  Super excited, I haven’t taken my measurements, I’m going to leave that for Day 21.  I know my clothes fit better, so I’ll stick with that for now!

Today is what I’m going to refer to as a short day.  I worked nights again last night except this time I went straight to bed when I got home.  I woke up at 1:00 and I’m back to work tonight for 8:00 at the latest, 7:00 at the earliest.  Which isn’t a whole lot of time to work with.  The girls had swimming lessons this afternoon as well.  So, I didn’t eat as much as I should have, but lets be honest, if I spent the majority of the day sleeping, I don’t need to eat as much because my body is not burning it.  I know I was awake last night, but it was spent sitting in a chair, so not so active.

Meal 1

cheese (1 blue)

Meal 2

chicken (1 red)
potato (1 yellow)

Meal 3

banana (2 purple)

Meal 4

shakeology (1 red)

Meal 5

olives (1 orange)

My workout today was the Total Body Cardio Fix, since I ran out of time at home today I did this at work.  It’s a nice option being able to do the workouts on any computer, but I didn’t have any weights to use.  Oh well, I was able to do it anyways, so I’m happy about that.  I made the time for me, it was just during break time instead of taking time from my family.


Day 14

The last day of week two.  That’s crazy to think about, these two weeks have flown by, in fact I can’t believe it’s the end of April already!!  Summer is just around the corner.  This 21 Day Fix has been a wonderful kick off on my start to get ready for summer.  Next I’m going to do the Brazil Butt Lift, because let’s be honest, who couldn’t use a tighter butt?  I failed miserably when trying the pencil test and I’m motivated to continue what I’ve been doing, so now is a great time.  Next week I’m going to order that kit and get all ready to start it in May probably the 8th or 9th.  It’s an 8 week program and can layer on other programs since the focus is lower body work.  We’re going away to visit my husband’s family at the beginning of July, with a wedding while we’re there.  So my eight weeks will be done before we leave, that’s my goal.  The last 21 days I’ll do this fix again as well as the new program.  If anyone is interested in doing the 21 Day Fix in May and wants to do it together I can add it then too.  But June for sure!!  Come join me!

I’ve worked two night shifts and have another three to go.  So my day has been a bit off.  Being Saturday the girls had dance and gymnastics (one more week to go) so I couldn’t sleep before that.  Today was a gorgeous day here so when we got home we put on our rollerblades and went down the road.  Mind you, my daughters are 4 and 6 years old, so they were working hard but I was not doing a whole lot.  It felt good just to be outside and moving.  I needed sleep so most of the afternoon for me was spent sleeping.  My eating was off because of sleeping half way through my day, but not so bad.

Meal 1

oatmeal (1 yellow)

Meal 2

Burrito Bowl (1 green, 1 red, 1 yellow, 1 tsp and 1/2 blue)

Meal 3

banana (2 purple)

Meal 4

shakeology (1 red)

Meal 5

cheese (1/2 blue)
eggs (2 red)
veggies (2 green)

Tonight’s workout was the Yoga Fix.  I forget how much I love yoga until I do it again.  I remember when I started in January my teacher kept telling us to relax into the downward dog position and I thought she was crazy.  How could I relax into something that was so hard to hold?  It’s amazing how quickly our bodies adjust and accept new moves and muscles form where we didn’t realize we had none.  My upper back hurt a LOT when I started my yoga challenge in January because it had never had to support my body weight in those kind of positions.  Now, while still a bit a work to get into, it feels like a great stretch.  I’m getting there.  We had a fire tonight outside in our fireplace and after I put the girls to bed was when I did my yoga.  I’m proud of myself for doing in instead of just going back out to the fire.  I’m not willing to give up on myself and have to start over.  Starting over is hard, I’ll just keep plugging along instead.

slow process

Day 13

Its amazing how quickly you can get results when you stick to a program.  It’s not easy to stick to a program, especially one that so thorough that it has a stick eating plan and exercise plan 7 days a week.  That being said, it’s only 21 day, three weeks, that’s it.  What a great way to train your body to want exercise and healthy foods.  I’m so tired today (back on night shifts) but I knew I’d feel better after my workout.  I’m going to need to find a recipe to cook tomorrow, because I’m running out of pork to eat and I want to keep changing it up.  I’m also hoping that we’ll be able to bar-b-que for supper, crossing my fingers, we’ll see.

Meal 1

tortilla (1 yellow)
eggs (1 red)
cheese (1/2 blue)

Meal 2

chicken (1 red)
broccoli (1 green)

Meal 3

mixed berries (1 purple)
olives (1 orange)

Meal 4

Burrito Bowl (1 green, 1 red, 1 yellow, 1 tsp and 1/2 blue)

Meal 5

shakeology (1 red)
banana (1 purple)

Sure enough getting starting on my DVD today was the hardest part.  I knew I’d feel better afterwards, but it was just getting the push to get started that I needed.  Funny enough that push came from my 4 year old who asked me why I hadn’t gone downstairs yet.  Talk about pressure.  However, I felt good once I started it, it wasn’t a struggle to get through, just to start today.  And best of all, I used my 5 pounds weights as my light weights today!!!  So exciting!


Day 12

I’ve gotten so used to working out this morning, that I had a hard time waking up properly when exercising wasn’t an option.  It’s amazing how quickly we get used to a routine.  I had to leave for work at 5:45 this morning, I wasn’t waking earlier to get my workout in before work, not when I knew I’d have time after the girls went to bed.  So instead I struggled through my day, which unfortunately also meant I struggled through my workout this evening.  I ate fine though.  My dinner last night was so good, I had left overs today.  I used the pork from the recipe I posted and made a burrito bowl with it.  I used a yellow container of rice, a green of pico de gallo and a blue with cheese.  So yummy, it was very flavourful and I’m going to make it again for my family because I think the kids would love to add whatever they want to their own bowls.  I love having simple recipes that are healthy, yet minimal effort required.

Meal 1

oatmeal (1 yellow)
strawberries (1 purple)

Meal 3

Burrito Bowl (1 green, 1 red, 1 yellow, 1 tsp and 1 blue)

Meal 4

mixed berries (1 purple)
olives (1 orange)

Meal 5

Pork (2 red + tsp)
pico de gallo (1 green)

Meal 6

shakeology (1 red)

As I mentioned above it was a struggle to get through the exercise tonight.  But I knew I’d feel better afterwards, and of course I did.  What I find ridiculous is my flexibility.  I’m super flexible in the hips, but I can hardly sit up with my legs stretched out in front because my hamstrings are so tight.  How does that even happen?  It’s not like I stretch one and not the other, nor do I ever wear heels.  I guess I’ll just have to keep stretching, it’ll get better eventually, right?

get better

Crock Pot Orange Pork

Crock Pot Orange Pork
Fix Portion: fill one red container


  • 2-3 lbs Boneless Pork Loin (I got a huge one at Costco and cut it into three)
  • 1 tsp extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 Tbsp cumin
  • 1/2 Tbsp oregano
  • salt and pepper
  • 1 medium onion, chopped
  • 5 cloves of garlic, cut in half
  • 1 medium orange, cut into quarters


  1. First you want to get your pork roast ready.  Cut any large sections of fat off and get rid of it.  There will be plenty of moisture in the crock pot you don’t need extra from fat as it cooks.
  2. Rub the roast with your olive oil (amount is estimated, if you need more, use more) making sure to get all sides.  Next sprinkle the cumin and oregano on all sides of the roast and rub it in.
  3. Place in crock pot and lightly salt and pepper.
  4. Place the onion and garlic in the crock pot on top of the meat.
  5. Squeeze the orange sections onto the meat and place them on the top.
  6. Turn the crock pot on, it will need 8-10 hours on low or 4-6 hours on high, depending on the size of roast.
  7. Once the meat is cooked, remove the meat only from the crock pot and pull apart using two forks.  It should come apart easily.

If you like it that way it’s done and is equal to one red container, just fill it.  If you’d prefer to have it crispy, you can add oil to a pan and place the pork in to crisp it up.  In that case make sure you count the tsp portion as well!

orange pork

Ready to start crock pot!!

Day 11

The sun is shining and it looks beautiful outside, that always makes me feel more energetic.  I know it’s still cold here, the temperature was below zero when I took H to the bus this morning, but that doesn’t change how I feel seeing sunshine!  What a great start to the day!  Also, it’s the half way point in my 21 Day Fix!!  I feel so much stronger, I am eating so much better and it’s giving me so much energy.  I’m tired by the end of the day and getting up isn’t always the easiest but once I’m up I feel good.  I try to get my workout in right after dropping my girls off, so that I can have the extra boost that gives me for the whole day!  Some days that’s not an option, and that’s okay too, as long as you find 30 mins for yourself sometime during the day!!

So I did in fact bring my crock pot into work today.  I got a few weird looks walking across the parking lot, but I work at the airport where there is also a greyhound depot, there’s a lot of weirder things than someone walking with a crock pot.  I’m fortunate that I work in a place where this is an option, my coworkers keep joking about adding things into it or mixing it with their hands, but I also know that no one will actually touch it.  It was tough today though, because it smelled so good in our lunch room.

Meal 1

shakeology (1 red)

Meal 2

oatmeal (1 yellow)
strawberries (1 purple)

Meal 3

stuffed pepper (2 green, 1 red, 1/2 yellow and 1/2 blue)

Meal 4

mixed berries (1 purple)
olives (1 orange)

Meal 5

Burrito Bowl (1 green, 1 red, 1 yellow, 1 tsp and 1 blue)

Meal 6

greek yogurt (1 red)

extra 1/2 yellow and 1/2 blue

Today was an active recovery day, Pilates Fix.  I like and hate pilates.  The exercises seem so simple, but you get great results no matter what modifications you need to use.  There’s also a lot of plank exercises and while they’re FANTASTIC exercises for your body, not so much mine.  My shoulder injury prevents me from being able to do most without modifications, it still puts too much pressure on the joint.  But it’s a wonderful DVD, even if you are unable to complete them without modifications, I still feel wonderful after completing the exercises.

working out